Reformat your CSS files and apply customized rules of your choice

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Quick Start ⇐ ⇐ ⇐

1. Choose your Css file
2. Click on Process File Button
3. (Optional) Choose the setting of you new Css file (Optional)
4. Download File with one click on results section
3. Settings for the new CSS file

  (Check all settings)

      Tab spacing

  Place every class name in a new line

  Open brace in the same line as last class name

  Remove measurement values from 0 valued items (0px, 0pt, 0em, 0% -> 0)

  Remove quotes from URLs

  Uppercase hexadecimal color names

  Order CSS rules by custom criteria

  Use the rules set in this text area:

  Load CSS rules from file:

1. Select a CSS file to process

2. Click on Process File Button

4. Results



Source Forge CSS VALIDATOR 2010 / 1.2
Project by Marito, Don Erick, Juancito y Carlitos.

Special thank for you guys. This project will not be ready without your contribution.
Sourceforge Css Validator